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Lady sits with 4 horses at sunset at peace with herself and surroundings - based on Astonishing Light Equine's logo - Equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset

i wish i could show you
when you are lonely or in darkness,

the astonishing light
of your own being
- Hafiz - 

Find your light

through equine facilitated interactions, therapy and singing

Others can tell us how bright we shine, how strong we are, what it is we bring to this life that no-one else can - but to truly believe it, for it to last and stay with us, we each need to find this within ourselves. 

That's where horses can help...

Hoof prints make a trail across the Astonishing Light Equine website for equine facilitated therapy
Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Double quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

Horses are great teachers

Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

A natural and ‘real’ mirror, horses read our body language and then visibly display our emotions through their actions, before showing us how to overcome our fears, anger, worries or sadness.


By working with them, allowing them to move and react as naturally as possible, horses can teach us how to manage our minds and our behaviours, helping us in our everyday lives to enhance relationships, relieve stress or anxiety, build confidence, build trust, confront fears, deal with conflict or achieve our goals and dreams.


In fact, since horses see the ‘real’ us, they can help us recognise our own self-worth as well as teaching us better ways to communicate with and respond to others.


We can also use singing as part of the equine facilitated interactions to help you to further release the negative emotions that you no longer want. Then through positive associations with the horses and words from songs that have real meaning to you, you can learn to ‘trigger’ a more ‘resourceful’, happier, peaceful mindset when you want it.

Cartoon fence borders "How can equine facilitated therapy and singing help me" - details of how Astonishing Light Equine can help you overcome difficult emotional issues
Hoof prints make a trail across the Astonishing Light Equine website for equine facilitated therapy

How can ‘equine facilitated therapy’ and ‘singing’ help me?

how can eft help?
Cartoon fence and grass of Astonishing Light who offers equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset

Using horses and singing to guide our sessions, we CAN make the positive changes you are looking for.

Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Coral Mandal flower - some people working with Astonishing Light Equine prefer to use mandala colour during their session

… offers a very different approach than the traditional ‘office-type’ environment. There are a number of reasons why working with the horses helps you to process emotions and overcome situations, which you will learn in our sessions.

is to provide a place where you feel safe to express your emotions freely, so that you can find the more ‘resourceful’ mindset you are looking for –

But it’s not always easy to say what we are feeling. Either we can’t quite verbalise it or it’s just too difficult to say out aloud. That’s why in our sessions we take words from songs that you have chosen, which express either what you are feeling, or what you want to feel. We can sing these songs whilst with the horses and watch how they react to our body language and emotions.

Lavendar bunch - some people working with Astonishing Light Equine prefer to work in the herb garden during sessions
Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

 calmer, happier, quieter, connected.

Some people don’t like to sing, which is not a problem, there is no pressure to use music during sessions. We’re happy to mix and match to suit whatever feels best for you, and you are very welcome to bring your own instrument if you play. Through music and horses, we have also helped many people to work on their stage presence and even learn how to engage an audience.

Our aim in the session...

Being outside, working with the horses and singing…

Astonishing Light Equine's dog Esme, who can also assisted in your facilitated therapy
Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

...people prefer to work in our herb garden, or perhaps draw or do mandala colouring.

In some sessions...

For those days when the weather is rainy or cold, we have our warm welcoming shepherd’s hut, the perfect respite from grey days, but also, a lovely, quiet place to sit to reflect on your sessions or if you just need to feel comforted by quiet surroundings during your session.

Whilst we always have an aim in the session or an area you want to discuss, the session is very much driven by you, and we do the activity that inspires you most on the day.

And on some days, you may be joined by our dog Esme, if she feels that she can help you with difficult emotions and you want her there. 

There are also bunnies or goats to work with either outside or in a nice warm stable. 

Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Astonishing Light Equine also has goats or rabbits to work with during your therapy session
The shepherd’s hut is the perfect respite providing a quiet place for your therapy session
Hoof prints make a trail across the Astonishing Light Equine website for equine facilitated therapy

Through the sessions, you will learn how to:

Water colour paint circle in orange

'Ground' yourself

through a mix of singing, breathing exercises and working with the horses

Water colour paint circle in yellow

Find the

'better state

of mind'

that you are looking for

Water colour paint circle in pink

Re-create this sense of wellbeing


when you are away from your sessions and in your

day-to-day life

Cartoon fence borders the 'About Sam' section, detailing Sam's training and creditentials as a Therapist at her base in North Somerset

About Sam

A singer and accredited vocal coach for many years, Sam became aware that many people were using singing to build confidence, overcome anxieties and find a place to really express themselves. Recognising this need Sam decided to train as a counsellor. 


As an accredited equine facilitated therapist and mentor, Sam completed her BACP Advanced Diploma in Integrative Counselling which included working on placement as a trainee counsellor with a local registered charity. Sam helped people with varied personal situations such as physical abuse, trauma, grief, eating disorders, depression and anxiety.


Committed to developing her knowledge, furthering her training and keeping up to date, Sam regularly attends various CPD development courses to help others see and feel their own astonishing light and has worked with vulnerable clients from different minority groups.

Hoof prints make a trail across the Astonishing Light Equine website for equine facilitated therapy
Double quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Double quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Cartoon fence and horse sitting at Astonishing Light offering equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset
Hoof prints make a trail across the Astonishing Light Equine website for equine facilitated therapy

Helping people to recognise their own self-worth and value is something I’m really passionate about. 


Since no-one experiences the same situation or problem with the same outlook, every session with me is unique. 


But by incorporating singing with the equine facilitated therapy, I have found a really powerful way to help people both release negative emotions and create positive changes. 


By the end of our time together, I hope people leave feeling motivated, calm and confident that they can overcome personal obstacles, that feelings aren’t forever and that both they and life will become brighter.”


- Sam -

Freedom of choice for you and the horses

Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Double quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

Freedom of expression is important to us at Astonishing Light Equine, not just from our clients but also for our horses. The RSPCA lists 5 freedoms that should be afforded to all animals, freedom from hunger or thirst, freedom from discomfort – having a bed, shelter, freedom from pain, freedom to express normal behaviour with others of their kind, and freedom from fear and distress. 


That’s why we have a ‘track system’ in place at Chapelfield House, which means our horses live out as a herd where they can continuously move. They display very natural behaviour, moving each other on from food and playing. They choose where to sleep and are not ‘shut in’ but have access to shelter from the weather. 


Perhaps most importantly, it gives them the freedom to decide who to work with. When people arrive, we do not simply take you to a stable and ‘declare’ this is the horse you are working with. Both you and the horses choose the partnership, and you work together in a safe environment either outdoors, or if we are subject to the great British weather, inside. 

Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Cartoon fence and grass borders the section "About the horses you can work with" at Astonishing Light Equine, North Somerset
Double quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
A beautiful sunset painted in pastels sits behind details of the horses you can work with for equine facilitated therapy at Astonishing Light Equine, North Somerset

Meet the horses you can work with 

Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing


Standing at 17hh, this gentle giant has a quiet, calm nature and ability to read body language and mirror it. As a Clydesdale, he is a rare breed, in both nature and in type - just six years old, his unflappable approach to life helps give confidence to people when they are worried. For a youngster this is unusual, as horses by nature are a herd animal with flight instincts, it is usually the older, more experienced horses that know when a situation is worrying and needs a reaction and when to let something pass by.


New people can be initially overwhelmed by Rylan’s size, but his kind reassuring nature teaches us how to manage our anxieties. Rylan is so gentle that people very often choose to work ‘at liberty’ with him (e.g. not connected by a rope and headcollar).

Rylan one of the horses at Astonishing Light Equine for equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset


Standing taller than Rylan, Freddie’s gentle but cheeky nature draws people to work with him. He has ambitions to be the herd leader, but as a four year old that is a little too ambitious. As a youngster, (just like our teenagers) he is learning about boundaries. Watching him with the herd and also humans, you can see him testing – what can he get away with? Which behaviours are acceptable? And which are not! 

Water colour paint circle in yellow
Freddie is one of the horses at Astonishing Light Equine for equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset
Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing


Our gorgeous Irish pony Doodles is desperate to be friends with everyone, but he’s not quite sure how to go about it. Calling to people to come and join him, he is then hesitant when they arrive, not knowing how best to approach - tentatively or BOLDLY.

Water colour paint circle in coral orange
Doodles is one of the horses at Astonishing Light Equine for equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset


Marque is so confident and relaxed in himself and his surroundings that he can often be found taking a nap! Although our largest resident, he is another gentle giant with a reassuring nature. Best buddies with herd leader Rylan, and also a Clydesdale, Marque literally is Rylan’s shadow. A wonderfully inquisitive pair, always seeking to discover more about their environment, both he and Rylan teach us the beauty of being curious about life and the wonder and positivity of learning.  

Marque is one of the horses at Astonishing Light Equine for equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset
Cava is one of the horses at Astonishing Light Equine for equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset


Cava is our uber friendly pony. She loves to be around people, loves affection and being ‘together’. This giving nature can be taken advantage of and so, as in life, we need to learn how to set our own boundaries and respect others. Cava teaches us how to do this whilst not losing our natural ability or desire to show warmth and kindness to others.


A very gentle and mothering mare, Ruby works well with people that come to us who need more self-confidence and self-belief. Through her gentle, reassuring approach and mirroring, she teaches people to ‘see’ the value of their being.

Ruby is one of the horses at Astonishing Light Equine for equine facilitated therapy in North Somerset
Quaver and double quaver music notes on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing
A bright sunset with hoof marks and musical notes background the section "Find your Astonishing Light"
Quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

Find your Astonishing Light

Double quaver music note on Astonishing Light Equine, who's equine facilitated therapy includes singing

To find out if Astonishing Light Equine is right for you, please contact Sam via email or phone. We will then have a short phone-call or Zoom-call to discuss your situation. If you want to go ahead, we will book a time for you to come and meet us for an introduction.

How long is the session?

Because sessions are unique to everyone, they last between 50-90 minutes, but if you are having a ‘connection’ or breakthrough moment, we won’t cut your session short! Equally, where sessions are overcoming long held emotions, people can feel physically tired after just 50 mins, so the session length really is guided by you.

How many sessions will I need?

The number and frequency of your sessions will be dependent on your requirements which we can discuss on our initial call. However, after the initial sessions, people find being able to book ‘top-up’ sessions as and when they need very reassuring.

How much does it cost?

The cost per session is £50, although we do offer a discount for NHS workers and Military – please let us know when you call to book and we will discuss this with you. 

Is there a minimum age?

We are happy to work with people aged 18 and over.  

Astonishing Light Equine wording sits in an arch

Where are you based?

Get in Touch

07955 472929

Chapelfield House, 52a Chapel Road, Pawlett,

Somerset, TA6 4SH

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